Clicky Maker™

Can't seem to make links on the RS boards? Well, if you have a fairly recent version of a browser (e.g. Mozilla Firefox, IE 6, Opera 9, Safari 2.0), then the form below will help you generate the link.

Please let me know at the e-mail address below if something doesn't quite work. I can't guarantee that I'll be able to fix it, but I can try.

Type or paste the full website link here:
NOTE: Must include the http:// part
Enter a link name:

Cut and paste the text below to the boards:

Test your link here:

ClickyMaker v1.0.20070305

v1.0.20060803 - Initial version
v1.0.20070305 - Minor tweaks; added white box around cut-and-pasted link, moved test link down a bit

noctua (at) freeshell (dot) org
© Noctua 2004 -